
NumberHound’s Mission - To help people undertaking empirical projects.

NumberHound’s logo was created by Kyrsten Lofts. Anyone is allowed to post on NumberHound, if you wish to submit work for posting, please email woof@numberhound.com. Anyone is also welcome to make a contribution to our resource pages please email woof@numberhound.com with your suggestions.

If you have questions about NumberHound, its posts, its data, its resources, have a general inquiry, or wish to contribute to the site. please email woof@numberhound.com.

If you are looking for data, or help with data, use our resources in the menu tab. Updates to the data resources pages are continually made as new, quality datasets are found. Please report any broken links to datasets.

Currently, NumberHound has the following pages:

Data – a directory for datasets relating to both sports and economics, as well as general topics.

Resources – A page with assorted papers, books, blogs, websites, videos, podcasts, and social media sites which are meant to educate on data science, sports, statistics, and economics.